Some people ask me why I drive a D50. Sometimes you need to pick up a bike. Perhaps one of your boys put it down, perhaps they got messed up. Perhaps its a bike from another gang that our boys convinced they didn't need any more. So you see, a D50 thats had a few hours put into it under the hood can be pretty handy in these situations. Plus you can put other stuff in the tray, if, you know, you need to transport it somewhere to sell it or something. Plus you can mount something heavy in there and run it as a technical. So it has its uses...
Monday, 23 April 2018
Saturday, 21 April 2018
Wednesday, 18 April 2018
Epic Death Guard Mastodon
Supported by a maniple of Deredeo dreadnoughts a Mastodon super heavy transport of the Death Guard legion advances into no mans land.
I had never planned to get a big transport model like the Mastodon for my epic Death Guard forces. I had plenty of Land Raiders for ground based assaults, and was planning to get some Thunderhawks and Storm Eagles (and possibly a Stormbird some day) for air assaults. Plus I have this idea of Mortarion crashing into the enemy with a heap of terminators in a couple of Caestus Assault Rams that I want to try out. But then I had this idea that the Mastodon could double as a Plague Tower in Epic 40k era games, so decided to get one.