It was on the first night that I saw them, shadows in the darkenwood. Gutteral mutterings, a hint of movement. They were gathered around a large object on the leafy forest floor, a loose knot of darkness within the darkness. Was it a corpse of a beast in the shadows? I could not tell. Their movements were quick and decisive, predators ready to pounce. I slipped away quietly into the darkenwood. The beasts had come.
Sunday, 15 July 2018
Saturday, 14 July 2018
How to Brayherd
So I am a bit excited by all of the discussion, hype, and propaganda that a new edition of one of my favourite wargames brings. A new version of Warhammer was recently released, and I've been curious what this has meant for my armies. One of them is a Beastman army, which is, at best, a semi-forgotten faction in a sea of new and extensively promoted factions. But I **think** there is something in the list that can make it useable, so I thought that I would look into it with the obsessed singlemindedness of a cash poor part-time wargaming fanatic and see what I could come up with.
Thursday, 12 July 2018
Brayherd Test Model
So with the release of a new version of Warhammer I decided to dust off one of my old armies and give them a freshen up. The Beastmen, now known as the Brayherd, are one of those armies that I've collected, and made a start with, but haven't ever had them close to completion.
I've decided to give the beastmen a spruce up for the new warhammer, including re-basing them to round bases, and equipping them for the current game.
This ungor raider model is an older plastic ungor model, which I've converted into a raider by turning his polearm into a longbow, and adding an arrow to his back.
Sunday, 1 July 2018
Death Guard Consul Karthago
Pict capture of XIVth Legion Master of Signal Karthago at an unknown location during the Age of Darkness. As typical for a Death Guard Legionnaire Karthago has sustained a significant amount of superficial damage to his battle plate, most of which does not appear to have compromised the armour functionality.
Karthago is equipped with improved communications gear and an auspex, to support the ranged attacks of his fellow legionnaires. He also carries an archaic thurible of unknown origin, which were used more frequently by the XIVth legion towards the latter stages of the Age of Darkness.