An Imperial bunker line on the fortified Penal world of Neu Diemenslandt awaiting it's garrison.
I scrounged the parts from old dust masks, that would have otherwise been chucked in the bin.

As far as conversions go it was pretty simple. I put a little magnet under the roof, so I can add a magnetised AA turret or similar on if I want, and added a piece of zippy tie door to the back (the same as I did on these objective markers).
I had nine, so painted them all up. I decided to add numbers using some 40k marine transfers that I had lying around. I had to manually craft some of the numbers, as all I had was I, III, V and X.
In addition to these, I also made up some tank traps. These were extremely simple to make too. I just cut up bits of sprue, tidied them up, and glued them onto ice cream sticks before applying some sand and painting.
I did four of these up, and am in the process for writing up some rules for them in a fortifications allies army list.
So when combined, some fortified Planetary Defence Force bunker positions might look like this.
Fun awaits...
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