Monday, 12 March 2018
Clash with Reality
It's been a long time since I have added to this blog, a little over six months in fact.
I'd like to say that things in the painting queue have been progressing in that time, but unfortunately they haven't. Not much anyway. Reality trumps hobby sometimes.
But I remain a loyal follower of Nurgle, so let's see how my pledge for 2017 went...
1. Paint my remaining 28mm Death Blades Models
This one is not complete. I did one lonely model this year for the 28mm Death Blades.
Unfortunately I still have five cavalry models to do before claiming that's it, and they are half converted. While the wind was taken out of my sails when Rough Riders were excluded from the latest Imperial Guard codex, that's no real excuse for someone who is doing it more for the collection than to use in games.
0 from 1.
2. Get my re-painted Epic Saim-Hann up to a level that they can be used to field at least three Eldar armies.
The half painted, un-assembled titans in my drawer tell me this one is a fail. However I've done a fair bit to my 6mm eldar this year, so I'm claiming half marks!
0.5 from 2.
3. Add and paint some more models for the 6mm Death Blades.
Aim low and achieve the target. For all of 2017 three 6mm shadowswords were painted, so this one is achieved!
1.5 from 3.
4. Get my 6mm city table up to a usable standard
A few warehouses added look good, but don't quite get it there,
1.5 from 4.
5. Keep going with the old lead undead
Aim low and miss the target! Not a single skeleton or zombie painted. Fail!
1.5 from 5. Uh, oh.
6. Play some games.
Achieved! No reports but I managed to squeeze in some games of 40k when 8th edition was released.
2.5 from 6.
7. Do some work on my long neglected 28mm Death Guard, for 30k and 40k games.
Done! I managed to paint up a few characters for 30k and 40k, as well as a few other bits and bobs.
3.5 from 7. Nurgle is not amused. Especially at the quality of those last couple of pictures!
For the briefest moment his gaze drifts across me, resulting in...
*rolls on the chaos attribute table:
675 = Multiple heads!
a further roll results in an additional two heads!
So now I have three sets of teeth to brush in the morning. That's going to take some time. Luckily I rolled the fast attribute last year!
So to date my mutations are:
Acid excretion, fast, and I have three heads. Thank you patron of despair.
As for 2018, the pledge to my patron will be...
1. Paint up my forgeworld 28mm DG models.
I've had these for years, and would love to get them painted. I have about 20 plague marines and about 10 Terminators, so am looking forward to getting them done.
2. Paint up some supporting characters for them.
I have a few models in the queue that I'd like to get done. A scratch built Daemon Prince is amongst them, and I'm looking forward to getting him done.
3. Add to the 6mm Death Guard.
I have a few models that I'd like to paint, plus there are a few more that I'd like to get.
4. Paint those Eldar titans, plus some other hangers-on.
5. Finish my undead samurai.
Only 8 models to go. Surely I can paint 8 undead samurai models. Surely!
6. Paint the Rough Riders.
Five models. They need a little bit of conversion work, but I'd love to close off that army. For now.
7. Dark Future.
I have two cars that are half converted in my drawer. It's probably a 1-2 evening job to get them done, so I will just commit to doing them. Plus the kids are approaching an age where they might be interested in a game of highway combat, so if I can get them done this year, we might play a game next year. How's that for long term planning!
So that's it. Pledge made.
Well, the thing is that everything I saw above is completely gorgeous. I particularly love the Epic stuff, specially the Eldar. So cheers to a job well done, I'll love seeing what you are up to during 2018!
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Suber! I'll try not to disappoint you. I even bought a new paint brush this year!