Thursday, 6 December 2018

Undead Chariot

The Undead Liche Lord Kemal riding to battle on Pameshirshem, an animated chariot of bone. Originating from ancient lands Lord Kemal has maintained his existence through a stubborn quest for perfection in the mastery of dark arts, and will stop at nothing to further his abilities.

Thursday, 29 November 2018

The Dread King

Carried forth on his undead nightmare steed, the Dread King Murillo rides into the lands of the living, leading his undead host in their thirst for vengeance of ancient wrongs.

Wednesday, 19 September 2018

Bring out ya dead...

Emerging from the gloom the dreaded Corpse Cart of the Host of the Pale King acts as a locus of unholy power. 

Monday, 10 September 2018

Eldar War Walkers

Eldar war walkers from the Saim-Hann Craftworld stalk an industrial zone on the Imperial Prison Colony World of Neu-Diemenslandt.

Friday, 24 August 2018

The Daemon Prince Mortarion

Mortarion, Primarch of the Death Guard and champion of Nurgle, stalking the battlefield of the 41st millenium.

Sunday, 15 July 2018

Ungor Raiders

It was on the first night that I saw them, shadows in the darkenwood. Gutteral mutterings, a hint of movement. They were gathered around a large object on the leafy forest floor, a loose knot of darkness within the darkness. Was it a corpse of a beast in the shadows? I could not tell. Their movements were quick and decisive, predators ready to pounce. I slipped away quietly into the darkenwood. The beasts had come.

Saturday, 14 July 2018

How to Brayherd

So I am a bit excited by all of the discussion, hype, and propaganda that a new edition of one of my favourite wargames brings. A new version of Warhammer was recently released, and I've been curious what this has meant for my armies. One of them is a Beastman army, which is, at best, a semi-forgotten faction in a sea of new and extensively promoted factions. But I **think** there is something in the list that can make it useable, so I thought that I would look into it with the obsessed singlemindedness of a cash poor part-time wargaming fanatic and see what I could come up with.

Thursday, 12 July 2018

Brayherd Test Model

So with the release of a new version of Warhammer I decided to dust off one of my old armies and give them a freshen up. The Beastmen, now known as the Brayherd, are one of those armies that I've collected, and made a start with, but haven't ever had them close to completion.

I've decided to give the beastmen a spruce up for the new warhammer, including re-basing them to round bases, and equipping them for the current game.

This ungor raider model is an older plastic ungor model, which I've converted into a raider by turning his polearm into a longbow, and adding an arrow to his back.

Sunday, 1 July 2018

Death Guard Consul Karthago

Pict capture of XIVth Legion Master of Signal Karthago at an unknown location during the Age of Darkness. As typical for a Death Guard Legionnaire Karthago has sustained a significant amount of superficial damage to his battle plate, most of which does not appear to have compromised the armour functionality.

Karthago is equipped with improved communications gear and an auspex, to support the ranged attacks of his fellow legionnaires. He also carries an archaic thurible of unknown origin, which were used more frequently by the XIVth legion towards the latter stages of the Age of Darkness.

Saturday, 30 June 2018

Tally Chaplain Glomerata

Pict Capture of Tally Chaplain Glomerata during the initial stages of the New Diemenslandt invasion.
A Chaplain of the XIVth Legion during the great crusade, Glomerata inspired his fellow Legionnaires in battle more through his deeds than through litany. Always at the forefront of attack, the Tally Chaplain continues this role to the present day.
Seen here armed with an archaic plasma pistol, the Tally Chaplain records the deeds of the warriors about him, and keeps a tally of despair for his dark god.

Friday, 29 June 2018

Undead Carrion Fell Bat Thingys

Carried aloft on foul wings, these carrion beasts soar into the skies above the undead host of the Dread Pale King, scouting out enemies for the fell host.

Once sighted, the Necromancers controlling these rotting beasts are able to coordinate the host on the ground, while the carrion beasts act as heralds in advance of the main host, preying on the enemy vanguard as they swoop down silently on rotting wings to prey on the enemy.

Once battle is joined, the carrion beasts are able to fly over the front lines of the enemy into the support elements of the enemy, and can be reanimated again and again, allowing the necromancers to harry the foe relentlessly.

Friday, 15 June 2018

Death Guard Terminators Done

Blightlord Terminators from the Blighted Path warband deploy in force on the prison colony world of Neu Diemenslandt. The terminators were used by the forces of the Death Guard as shock troops during the initial assaults of the planetary invasion.
This unit is equipped for an anti-heavy infantry role with plasma weaponry, blight launchers and a variety of close combat weapons. 

Friday, 18 May 2018

Trooper Mustaine

A knife fighter without peer on Necromunda, Mustaine made more than his fair share of enemies both outside and within the Death Blades. Upon recruitment into the guard, Mustaine was given a leadership role, but failed to conform to the expectations of regimental command. However his strong survival instinct and unprecedented lethality meant that he was able to avoid the ultimate penalty.
Nevertheless he has not escaped unscathed from sancture, and his wild reputation, prolific combat drug use, and sheer arrogance has resulted in him effectively being relieved of any command duties.
This fact, plus issues associated with the long term use of frenzon, slaught and other combat stimms has resulted in Mustaine withdrawing from the day to day affairs of the regiment, being rarely seen and even more rarely heard during down times. However a reputation for lethality approaching legendary status within the regiment, and having honed his ability to infiltrate and strike from the shadows to extraordinary levels, means that Mustaine remains a valuable asset on the battlefield when the Death Blades engage. 

Monday, 7 May 2018

Test SchemeTerminator

So after about a squillion years I finally painted up one of my Forgeworld Terminator models to see how my scheme would look.

Monday, 23 April 2018

79 Dodge D50

Some people ask me why I drive a D50. Sometimes you need to pick up a bike. Perhaps one of your boys put it down, perhaps they got messed up. Perhaps its a bike from another gang that our boys convinced they didn't need any more. So you see, a D50 thats had a few hours put into it under the hood can be pretty handy in these situations. Plus you can put other stuff in the tray, if, you know, you need to transport it somewhere to sell it or something. Plus you can mount something heavy in there and run it as a technical. So it has its uses...

Saturday, 21 April 2018

The (almost) Last Undead Samurai

Hailing from distant lands, the undead samurai bound to the Necromancer Valignano join the Host of the Pale King.

Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Epic Death Guard Mastodon

Supported by a maniple of Deredeo dreadnoughts a Mastodon super heavy transport of the Death Guard legion advances into no mans land.

I had never planned to get a big transport model like the Mastodon for my epic Death Guard forces. I had plenty of Land Raiders for ground based assaults, and was planning to get some Thunderhawks and Storm Eagles (and possibly a Stormbird some day) for air assaults. Plus I have this idea of Mortarion crashing into the enemy with a heap of terminators in a couple of Caestus Assault Rams that I want to try out. But then I had this idea that the Mastodon could double as a Plague Tower in Epic 40k era games, so decided to get one.

Thursday, 5 April 2018

Another Undead Samurai

Another undead samurai progresses from the painting queue...

Monday, 26 March 2018

Undead Samurai Ep

After a flurry of activity at the long dormant painting desk here is another completed model, a C18 undead samurai from 1985ish.

Friday, 23 March 2018

Grim Dark Mirada

A 5.9 litre V8 Dodge Mirada coupe of the Children of Anarchy, up armoured and awaiting fitment of it's armament.

Monday, 12 March 2018

Epic Deredeos

Deredeo dreadnoughts of the Death Guard legion searching for targets.
Dreadnought maniples within the legion were typically composed of a mix of contemptor and deredeo assets when deployed in the field. Full deredeo maniples such as the one shown here, while a rare sight, were fielded when specific objectives were required. These deredeos are all armed with the anvilus autocannon battery and aiolos missile launcher, suggesting that they have been designated an anti vehicle air defence role. This type of maniple was often used to support initial planetfall attacks, and then defend the territory taken until heavier reinforcements were landed and the deredeos could be relieved.

Clash with Reality

It's been a long time since I have added to this blog, a little over six months in fact.

I'd like to say that things in the painting queue have been progressing in that time, but unfortunately they haven't. Not much anyway. Reality trumps hobby sometimes.

But I remain a loyal follower of Nurgle, so let's see how my pledge for 2017 went...