Actually three games!
I was lucky enough to go to the 2015 Heavy Bolter Epic Armageddon tournament. And it was great! I haven't played a proper game in years, so it was good to unleash the 6mm horde again.
Here you can see my Oldschool imperial guard army running forward to get killed off by some knights.
This was a common theme on the day, but the other two games involved my guys getting killed by marines rather than knights. But you get the picture.
However the most amazing bit was that I came 6th out of 13 players. For someone as rusty as me that wasn't too shabby in my opinion.
One of my goals that I set myself going in to the tournament was to do better in my third game than my first. Which I did.
Another was to remember to set up some crossfires. Which I didn't.
And another was remember to use my commanders ability to perform a combined engagement. Which I didn't.
But even so, I never dreamed I'd be in the top half, let alone actually win a game!
So the moral of this story is to try and play more games, because they are fun! And to write down some prompts if you have a bad memory!
Epic Armageddon is a great game, and I'm looking forward to getting more games in. I also need to post some more pictures of my armies in this blog too. Because 6mm is the bomb.
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